The single most used feature of the Internet is the email system. Many users are learning that they can send pictures, programs and documents over the net. This is a guide to help users get the most out of the email system.

With the price of scanners dropping, many people are sending pictures of their loved ones to friends and family all over the world. The software that comes with your scanner allows you to choose the resolution you want to scan your pictures at. The best resolution to scan at is 72 DPI. Hewlett Packard refers to this resolution as "Screen Presentation". The format that you should save your pictures in is JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) with the file extension being jpg. Two good shareware programs for saving your pictures are LView Pro and Paint Shop Pro. Both programs allow you to "Save As" a JPEG. If you feel confident, you can consult the program's documentation for information on how to compress the image to make the file size even smaller. The best compression level is about 25%. If you stick with these guidelines, you will be sending pictures with better quality and speed.
Having Difficulties?

Most email difficulties start with sending attachments. The quickest way to solve this problem is by letting your email download until the program says it is finished. If someone has sent you an attachment, it could take some time. If you suspect that the file has become corrupted, the best way to isolate the file is to reduce the file size. There is a feature in most email clients that allow you to change the maximum message size that you wish to download. Microsoft email clients do not support this feature. Start with 1KB and work your way 1KB at a time until you are sure you have downloaded all your email with the exception of the corrupted file.